Antagonist: Single Show
"war-lords," "terrorists," "gangsters," and "crooks," and those seeking so to be.Ahmad Damour (Faran Tahir)

A terrorist who killed Jay Tunberg, the undercover fiance of CIA Agent Pearce, which his cover was blown by the ineptitude of Pearce's CIA bosses. He also stole Tunberg's information that he had been gathering from the Syrians and began selling it to the CIA as their new informant. The CIA had him on a 'do not touch' list until he was 'outed' to Agent Pearce by Anson Fullerton in a misguided attempt to get her to go after him and ruin her career (and thereby unable to help Mike get Fiona out of prison.) Mike, Pearce and Jesse convinced him that he was dying of a strain of Meningitis developed as a bio-weapon by the Russians. When he contacted his son, Sharif, to go retrieve his hard-drive with the information on it; Sam and Nate were able to intercept him and do a snatch-and-grab.
Current location: Federal custody.
Seen in episodes: 83
Alexi (Steven Klein)

A pretty-boy, runt of the litter of Russian wet-work guys sent to Miami to capture, interrogate and kill former American spy Paul Anderson who knew the name of a contact who may still be in the Kremlin. He was captured and duct-taped twice by M.
Current location: Detained
Seen in episodes: 51
Alfredo (Paul Louis)

An unassuming electronics genius operating out of an electronics repair shop who sold Brennan a cutting edge “scrambler” to use on his phone and make it untraceable. He also gave him a deal on the latest biometrically-locked safe with installation. However he thought that Brennen was trying to kill him so kept his door barred and locked 24/7. He didn’t count on Fiona and Sam dropping through a skylight and reluctantly told them where the safe was located.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 61
Alvaro Desantos (Ivo Lopez)

Mobster who tried to kill the only witness to his beating a pizza delivery boy until MW convinced his mob that he was an FBI informant in order to get them to remove him.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 3
Andre Dekker (Laurence Mason)

Jamaican middleman transferring money for crooks in his boat who was targeted by a crooked cop to have the boat stolen. Trying to retrieve the money he had a shoot-out with the cop.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 6
Andrew Deans (Uncredited)

A local Miami thug who was hired by the internationally famous thief known only as Mssr. Glisson (Mr. Slippery) to create a duplicate sword of Alexander the Great and switch it for the real thing. Selina, AKA 'Slippery,' got employment as the personal assistant to Mr. Bocklage, the CEO of a software company who had purchased the original sword to show at a product launch. Deans hired another local forger to make onyx stones and leather tooling then made the duplicate of the sword in an abandoned machine shop which he had rigged with explosives, cameras and a wireless detonator. Afterward he rigged the other forgers hot tub to electrocute him; but, unfortunately for him, Michael Weston traced the job back to him and began steps to thwart his plan. And, to top it off, Selina found out about the trap and decided to use a car bomb to eliminate him before he could be found out.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 50
Andrew Thompson (Chaz Mena)

A regional manager for the Pryon Group, a private mercenary company, who was targeted by Mike and Sam as the 'weakest link' for turning in order to find out who had shot Nate (and Anson.) Sam and Jesse convinced him that their make believe company would hire him for a starting salary of $500,000 a year and with that incentive he reluctantly allowed them to look at the personnel files which the CEO, Jack Vale, had prohibited them from doing. Even with that they were only able to obtain the shooters initials, T.G., and skills. Sam told Thompson to 'keep his head down until he heard from personnel' – so, as far as we know he's still waiting because it led to the assassination of Vale.
Seen in episodes: 89
Angela Flores ( Angélica Celaya)

A spy for an unspecified entity who steals and sells computer chips (and probably other things as well) to terrorists. She targeted Vincent Durov but his security was so tight she decided to con the CIA (specifically Manaro and Baily) into becoming an asset and that Durov was the one selling computer chips. However, she saw that the undercover safe-cracker the CIA sent was on to her and she killed him. Unfortunately, for her, the two CIA bunglers decided to force Fiona into going in, as per her arrangement with Card in order to get out of prison. Fiona, was eventually able to get out of Flores' zip-tie and convince Durov that it was in his best interest to let the CIA take care of Flores as well.
Seen in episodes: 89
Ari Zamar (Guri Weinberg)

The son a spy and accomplice arms dealer. A bit “thick” and a womanizer, he was used by MW to obtain the where-abouts of their arms warehouse in order to force the Zamars out of town.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 5
Armand (Gavin Rossdale)

An acquainance of Fiona's from Ireland, sort of. He is a ruthless killer/arms merchant who paid an associate of Fiona's a killing in return for an introduction to her and they became lovers. He promised to get her out of Ireland to America if she would help him with a job which turned out to be a kidnapping of a rival bad guy. However, his plan backfired when she found out and stopped having anthing to do with her. He kept his promise and got her to america. He was in South American when she called him to ask for a favor – locate a bomb-maker who helped murder a CIA agent friend/handler of Mikes. He wanted Fiona to steal a specific truck full of ammunition in return for his information. When she obtained the truck he revealed that it had been destined to go to a rival who had pre-sold it and was now dead because he couldn't deliver.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 70
Arthur Meyers (Ward G. Smith)

A smarmy Brit MI-6 agent who concocted a plan to have the US state department 'loan' prisoner Fiona for an 'interrogation' at the re-built British Consulate with intent on having reporters there to televise her imprisonment (which hadn't been publicly released at that tiime.) When she pointed out that if her imprisonment were publicized her whole families lives would be in jeapordy, he just smirked and offered her a 'deal' if she would sign another 'confession' so 'we can squash the CIA business.' Amazingly, Jason and Matt (writers) didn't have either the two state department people or the warden, who were in the room, say a peep about it. That put Fiona on her own to 'get lost' but not escape, in order to miss the staged, blackmail meeting. Which she did, with the help of AYN her new friend on her cell block. Besides watching him bluster about it, we weren't told of any further outcome.
Seen in episodes: 86
Baranski (David Fine)

A loan-shark who loaned $200,000 to Andy who had subsequently lost it in a con so could not pay it back. He had his thug beat up Andy to convince him of the seriousness of the situation; and, when MW intervened, he then kidnapped Andy’s mother to convince M that he meant business. The money was eventually paid back, plus the vig, minus the cost of a lifetime subscription to Cat Fancy magazine - M said it was a 'reminder to keep his hands off other people’s mothers.'
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 15
Bennett Tash (Daniel Joseph Wilson)

A man with a Mac-10 in a storefront who was being blackmailed into being a point-man of sorts for a woman calling herself Natalie trying to steal and sell Barry, the money launderers, ledger. He nearly killed M and Sam when they came looking for the ledger except for he really didn’t know how to shoot the gun. They told Natalie that they had killed him after he had given them information that Natalie was the mastermind.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 36
Big Ed (Andrew Bryniarski)

The leader of the Miami Breaker motorcycle gang who put out a hit on Winston, an attorney who had helped the ex-wife of the gang's 'enforcer,' Hunter, impound Hunter's bike. MW was able to capture him long enough to work a con which made it worse on the gang to kill Winston than to let Winston go. Additionally, Winston eventually helped save him from a 'coup' instigated by Hunter - so made Winston an honorary gang member.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 45
Bolo (Erik King)

A Miami fence who obtained his nickname from the Bolo ties that he wears. He was “injected” with pretend poison by MW in order to obtain his cooperation in foiling an armored car heist being planned by robbery expert Lynch.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 40
Bonnie (Cindy Taylor)

She is an apprentice con-woman, girlfriend of Greg who both hang out on their mentor, Quentin King's, boat. They do scams on elderly people claiming that they have won prizes in order to gain entry to their homes and obtain financial information. Their scheme's came unraveled when they scammed and injured a friend of MWs mother and M took her as a client. She met detectives 'Cagney and Lacey' (Sam and Fiona) who told them 'not to leave town' - so they did. [See under Greg.]
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 2
Boris (Dimitri Diatchenko)

Wannabe Warlord and Drug king-pin in Warri Nigeria who blew up refineries in the Nembi Oil Field. Had henchmen beat MW to near unconsciousness when Michael couldn’t pay him the $750,000 extortion money. The first numbers of his bank account routing number is: 0210010175… .
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 1
Brad Ramsey (Matt Lauria)

A Medicare scam artist who beat Heather Reed into a coma when her boyfriend, Brandon DePaolo, was caught skimming money from the payments he was supposed to be making to participants in the scams. Heather's brother, Ethan, just happened to be serving in Afganistan under Michael Westen's former CO and was able to obtain Ms help in capturing Ramsey in a con of their own. Ethan and M got him to not only give them all the evidence to put his crew into prison, but firebombed his car, got him to torch his own house and get caught in the act of attempting to poison Heather in the hospital.
Current Location: Police Custody
Seen in episodes: 67
Brandon DePaulo (Taylor Anthony Miller)

A true scumbag who dated Ethan Reed's sister, Heather, and was skimming money from the bribe payments he was supposed to be making for his boss, Brad Ramsey, a Medicare con man. When Ramsey found out he beat Heather into a coma and Brandon took her to the hospital but dumped her in the drive way of the emergency room. He went into hiding but was lured out by Sam and Fiona pretending they had a $2,000 class-action, settlement check for him. He readily squealed on Ramsey under fear of Michael Weston allowing Ethan to be alone with him in a room.
Current Location: Police Custody
Seen in episodes: 67
Brian (the butcher) Quinn (R.D. Call)

A mob boss extraordinaire who ran the Dorchester Hill Gang in Boston and went underground when his 'number two,' Kelly Duke, became a witness for the FBI. He became inordinately paranoid and careful after being 'stung' by someone wearing an electronic bug in his shoe. When his current 'right-hand man,' James (Jimmy Boy) Leary, was unknowingly caught up in an FBI sting and came to him with a stoolie claiming to know Duke's whereabouts, he was very cautious but did go to meet the guy. Unfortunately, for him, it was Michael Westen doing a 'favor' for the investigating FBI agent woods. Despite all his care Michael did capture both him and his gang – with the help of Fiona.
Current Location: Federal Custody.
Seen in episodes: 88
C. J. (Aaron MacPherson)

A con man and hustler who got an inside job at a jewelry company in order to help a master-mind, Timo, steal some jewels. He was able to let the theives inside the company to obtain access to the safe. Unfortunately, his robbery was foiled by an early alarm which rang and was conned into thinking that Timo had tried to set them up.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 17
Caleb (Marcus Chong)

One of Hector Rivera’s stooges in the drug business who decided to have a gang hit the car shipment which he knew Rivera had stashed $2 million worth of Heroin. His plan fell apart when he tried to blame the heist on one of Nate Westen’s friend, Billy Taylor. Nate and M found the gang he had hired to steal the car, found the leader of the gang, find the real thief (Caleb), steal the car back, take it all apart and put it back together again in Caleb’s back yard. So much for Caleb.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 59
Campos (Mario Ernesto Sanchez)

A drug king-pin who ran a billion dollars of cocaine a year through Miami for the Valdez cartel and who MW convinced that his number two guy in charge of security, Raul, was disloyal. He was in a turf war with the Mexicans who put a hit out on him. His attempt to kill Raul got him indicted when the guy flipped on him.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 14
Carl Wilhelm (Mark Totty)

A trader in sex slaves under the guise of fashion designers with his brother. Scammed/kidnapped the daughter of a friend of Nate Westons to be sold into Dubai, until his own brother was ransomed back for the girls release.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 4
Carlos (Carlos Gomez)

A money cleaner for the Sicario who Larry Sizemore stole $2 million from and use Michael Westen’s name doing it. He sent Justino to kill M but Larry killed him first. M had to get Carlos’ money back and blame the theft on the already dead Justino in order to clear his name.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 41
Charles Archer (Jamison Jones)

A sleazebag womanizing con man from England who bilked Emily out of her life’s savings then moved on to Lindsey when Fiona and Sam met up with him for a client. Two women who had complained against him in England went missing so he had an Interpol file but only DUIs in the states. He used Martin as a money-laundering lawyer to manage his overseas accounts but ran afoul of him when he demanded all his money back in order to pay MW for “cleaning up” the murder that he thought he had committed. All the ladies he bilked got their money back and he went on the run from his lawyer for messing around with a “friend of a friend” of Fiona’s.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 55
Cole (Jon Seda)

An ex-marine bomb disposal expert who was drummed out of the corps for the drug smuggling his squad-mates were doing. He became a hit man to obtain enough money to retire to a sandy beach and took the job to kill a witness who had seen a murder by the Turkish syndicate. He didn’t kill FBI agents Harrris and Lane at the safe house who went to MW for a favor and became his “clients.” When a second shooter, Matt Reese, showed up he teamed with M to foil their plan. M let him escape to Antigua after appealing to his better side.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 53
Coleman (Jonathan LaPaglia)

A small time hustler who dealt with stolen phones and counterfeit bags and had helped Fiona out with a cash-flow problem. He forced himself on an employee of a kidnapper named Gabriel and had to find a replacement, Fiona, before he was removed.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 43
Concha Ramirez (Idalis DeLeon)

Found by the coast guard and parlayed her new life, not following any rules, into a crime business. Shot Diego’s boss in front of his kids to take over his business. Sent thugs to shake down and ruin businesses so she could buy the property. Sent Diego to kill MW and was eventually killed in an explosion set by Diego.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 7
Connor Johnson (Jude Ciccolella)

The father of Ryan Johnson and boss of an insurance scam ring which M had to take down for a client of Fiona’s, Calia, whose husband was killed in one of the scams and was being threatened by Ryan Johnson.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 38
Cristo (Alfonso Diluca)

A jewel fence who MW used to get the name of the person who was trying to sell a $2 million broach he had stolen and was trying to pin on a client.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 8
Cruz (Manuel Uriza)

A hard core criminal and member of the prison gang: La Nacion. He threatened a money launderer friend of Sam Axe, Juan Ruiz, into helping skim off money from the La Nacion’s accounts. When Juan was 1 week short of release he became worried that once Juan was out he would talk so decided to kill him. Unfortunately, for him, Juan knew Sam who knew MW. His plan was not only thwarted but he was set up for escape and recapture and eventually killed by La Nacion who had figured out what he had done.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 54
D.B. Doneski (vaughn-Rian st. James)

A large and overweight prison thug who had her gang knock lunch-trays out of the hands of all new female inmates as attempted initiation into her gang of thugs. That way she could then offer them an apple to eat and see if they ate it. If they did, she owned them; if they did not, they were her enemy and got beaten up. Unfortunately, she also did it to Fiona who was then warned by a 'friend' about the ruse. Fiona, knocked the apple on the floor then had to take measures to avoid her and her gang. That included beating them silly with some home made billy-clubs made out of rolled up magazines soaked in salt water. [The warden referred to Fiona's fight with inmate 'Doneski' in episode 83]
Seen in episodes: 82
Dale Lawson (Michael Rooker)

A criminal who holed up in a night-club and who kidnapped the daughter of his brother’s attorney, Becky Scott, in order to, what , make her father make the jury acquit his murderous brother? [Poorly defined plot point]. Unfortunately, for him, he met MW along the way who foiled his scheme and got Becky back. Unfortunately, his character was killed in a future episode by a hired bomber - for payback!
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 56
Damon Belmont (Jeffrey Vincent Parise)

Business partner of Isabella who partnered with Ric Pederson to murder her and frame it on Tim Hastings. M posed as another, undisclosed, partner of Isabella who shipped heroin in order to get them to turn on each other and get caught.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 42
Darla (Aubrey Kessler)

The tough as nails girlfriend of Big Ed, the leader of the Miami Breaker motorcycle gang. She seemed in-your-face fearless in taking on both Sam and MW even though they had guns pointed at her, and was instrumental in nearly escaping. However, she pushed Sam so far that she got decked. Even then she continually bad-mouthed them from the other room.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 45
Daryl Jordan (Matt Doman)

A violent, paranoid-schizophrenic, ex-ranger who became a patient of Anson Fullerton's. His paranoia and violent temperament was exploited by Anson in order to try and escape Michael Weston. Anson called him to say that the source of all his problems was a man named Michael Weston who lived at 947 Shady Lane in Miami Florida – Madeline Westen's address. He loaded up his weapons including body armor and cell phone jammer and went to find Michael. Unfortunately, for him, Madeline saw the damage he'd done to the telephone companies junction box and saw him coming down the street. When a policeman that Jesse had called came, he shot and killed the guy before he could get out of his car. When Jesse came, he got the drop on him too, and was counting down from 5 before killing him when he was shot by Madeline through the ceiling where she had been hiding.
Current location: Police custody
Seen in episodes: 81
Dennis Wayne Barfield (James Ransone)

A trust-fund psychopath who never worked a day in his life and who had utter disdain for anyone he considered “Scum.” He’d blown up a drug den in Overtown had a court ordered psyc evaluation revealing: clinical narcissism, paranoia and delusions of grandeur. He had been interviewed 12 times and was able to resist questioning due to his “cleanse the earth of scum” manifesto type rhetoric. Unfortunately, for him, he got on MWs radar because of working for a lawyer who was on Ms radar. When he came after Fiona MW convinced him that he was a companion psychopath to obtain his list of targets and Jesse deliberately blew him up.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 57
Derek Poole (Chris Marazzo)

A worker at A.S.A. Dismantling and Demolition who was hired to place a bomb in Michaels loft but was caught coming and going on a security camera.
Current location: At large.
Diego Cruz (Tony Perez)

Was a bookie, worked down at high-l and had his own crew. His boss was shot by Choncha in front of his bosses kids during a birthday party; so he now works for Concha. He was tricked into thinking that Concha had told MW to kill him; so offered to plant a bomb in Concha’s house and solve the whole problem.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 7
Dion Carver (Andre Holland)

A double-dealing 'shot-caller' for an Overtown gang in Miami. He killed the leader of his own gang and stole two bags of money. Unfortunately, in his arrogance, he was seen by his 'lover,' Dolly, who noticed the blood and looked in the bags. The gang social network began imploding with more and more violence and one of Michael Westen's childhood buddies, Andre, who had just been released from prison, increasingly got caught in the middle. Trying to find the killer and put a stop to the violence Andre had run across Dolly who was also his friend and was told about Dion. Dion then killed Andre and began looking for Dolly. Unfortunately, for him, Michael Westen became involved and not only sequestered Dolly for awhile but concocted an elaborate plan to get him blamed for attempting to kill other gang shot-callers thereby to voluntarily confess in order to obtain police protection.
Current Location: Police custody - isolation from gang members
Seen in episodes: 76
Drew (Zachery Ty Bryan)

The son of a man dying in a coma who put out a hit on his step-mother; because, he was angry at her being put in the will. He hired multiple hit people which MW had to derail in order to prevent the death by Larry (one of those hired to do the hit). He was eventually killed by Larry when he went to make the payoff.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 20
Eddie (Hemky Madera)

The vengeful and hateful 'ex' of Ayn, Fiona's prison friend, who was holding a package of Ayn's hostage because she shot his brother. Unfortunately, for him, he man-handled Madeline, Michael Westen's mother, when she came to retrieve it. He choked her against the wall and told her she 'could keep her teeth' – which had obviously mightily provoked Michael when he came to follow up. Michael's shock-and-awe bouncing his head off the refrigerator convinced him to reveal where the box and the key was; then, when Michael broke his twisted arm anyway, he was told 'that's for my mother.'
Seen in episodes: 84
Eddie Ash (Rob Benedict)

The number-two man for “Valentine” of Valentine Enterprises. He embezzled $2 million from Valentines “charity account” and tried to pin it on MWs brother’s childhood friend, Ricky Watkins. MW conned him into attempting to murder Ricky while Valentine was listening in the back room. He was taken for a ride on Valentine’s boat and tossed overboard (or something).
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 18
Eddy (Paulo Quevedo)

The 'one brick shy of a load' brother of Jacob who was trying to expand their kidnapping business northward from Mexico. They had the misfortune to kidnap Fiona Glenanne along with their original target. Definitely not the brains of the outfit, M and Fiona not only foiled their kidnapping plans but convinced him to call 911 in order to save his brother from a fire-extinguisher bomb made by Fiona and strapped to his hostage brother.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 52
Eli Zamar (Joel Swetow)

An ex-Israli spy, now arms dealer who blackmailed and beat up a friend of Nate Weston in order to get him to not log their illicit flights running guns and armament. Michael Weston was able to steal their current inventory and convince them to leave the area.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 5
Erick Kemp (John Manzelli)

A dirty DEA Agent who was working with Mexican drug king-pin Rafael Montero. He informed on several agents which were sent to infiltrate the cartel by CIA Agent Tom Card which got them viciously murdered. Unfortunately, for him, Card was Michael Westen's CIA trainer – and Michael needed a favor. Together the two were running an elaborate con to take down Montero and his boss, which accidentally blew Kemps cover and got him killed.
Current Location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 82
Erik Luna (Jay Harrington)

The pretty-boy face of a family crime organization who also moon-lights behind his brother Quinn's back in selling stolen goods. He is an excitable, coward who beat his wife and kids then instituted a custody battle to spite her when she left him. His step-son, Joey, attempted to steal Fiona's hand gun from her appartment and was caught, which is how Erik became a MW 'target' for one of his scams. He believed MW was the angry, street-wise and disgruntled buyer of one of his stolen cars. When he didn't fall for Ms early attempts to get him to leave town, thus abandoning his custody battle, M had to ramp it up a bit and get his brother to have him committed in a mental institution.
Current location: Mental care facility.
Seen in episodes: 35
Eve (Aviva Farber)

A vicious, red-haired hacker, more self-centered and arrogant than any previous character (if that's possible), who was hired by Dean Myers to steal the encrypted server of the Dade County Teachers Credit Union and hack into it. She hired Griffin Kehl, a behemouth thug, to steal the computer along with 12 or so other machines so that she could hack into it and paid him 10 grand. Unfortunately for her, she picked Barry Berkowski's brother Paul to blame it on which brought Micheal Weston into the mix. According to Kehl, 'the last guy who pissed her off, she hacked his life to pieces. She had his truck repo'd, canceled his sick wife's medical insurance and even put him on a terrorist watch list.' Using the extra computers she set up a Beowulf Cluster to create a super-computer which would relentlessly attack the server until it had cracked it. Under blackmail from Fiona, Griffin introduced Michael Weston to her as a potential client who needed a job done. She was able to avoid all of Michaels traps to tail her back to her 'lair' then discovered that the escrow account which held her payment had been faked by Barry. She trapped and captured Michael, attempted to suffocate him in a plastic bag and drugged and shackled him; but, did fall for his ruse that he had been hired by Myers to double-cross her. She blackmailed Fiona, Sam and Jesse into helping capture Myers but just as she was going to kill M, Fiona blew up her truck and all the computers. She was left hog-tied for the police to find along with Myers and all the evidence. [We understand that the actor was close to being type-cast, instead of using her full name she's arrogantly billboarding herself by her first name only.]
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 66
Evelyn (Lucy Lawless)

An assassin who was nearly caught by M in Istanbul 7 years previously and who now was attempting to locate and kill Doug Baker, an FBI witness in a trafficking company case. She stalked M for years and was able to create the scenario specifically tailored to M so he would help her. She committed suicide rather than be taken in my M.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 10
Falcone (Jeff Kober)

Refino Cortez’s ruthless security henchman who dislocated Ms shoulder and shot at him while he was undercover trying to take down his boss, Rufino Cortez. After two meetings where he tried to get M to tell the story to him instead of Rufino, he finally was convinced enough to let M talk to them in a car. Once that happened, M and the gang smashed into the car and extracted Rufino so Falcone was left to get into another line of work.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 29
Feldman (Stewart J. Zully)

Small time illicit pharmaceutical dealer working out of his golf store. He happened to know some pirates who had been trying to sell some antiviral medicines which they had stolen from a cargo ship. M and Virgil were asked to recover the medication 'for the kids' so took photos of the people coming out of his shop in order to blackmail him into revealing who it was and introducing them as potential buyers.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 19
Felipe Vega (Danny Trejo)

A hard-ass gang leader who was taking over other gang territories and harboring a drug-importing child predator, Rincon. They had been doing business together for years so Rincon came to Miami when he had to fake his own death in Texas. Unfortunately, for him, MW wanted Rincon so helped Omar Hernandez, a more altruistic gang leader, take him down while he retrieved Rincon for a client.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 39
Felix Cole (Sticky Fingaz)

A local, small time car thief member of the Tony Soto’s 24K syndicate who tried to rape Tanya, Corey Jensen’s sister. After Corey came after him with a baseball bat he put out a hit on the boy which MW had to solve by having Soto in Corey’s armored car with him when Cole tried to do a hit.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 23
Gabriel (Carlos Bernard)

An Argentinian doctor whose daughter Eva was killed by pollution caused by Apex Industries. He then trained with the rebels in Columbia for two years then kidnapped an executive of Apex, Allen King, and put him in a fire-bomb, booby-trap cage on a sedative IV drip. He hired Fiona to help kidnap another executive if they didn’t meet his demands but had his plans foiled and was arrested.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 43
Garrett Hartley (William Mapother)

A fairly sophisticated killer for the Miami gun dealers gang that Michael pissed off trying to get a prison release deal for Fiona. He was sent to kill Barry who handled all of Fiona's money deals and who had been offered protection by the FBI who was investigating the gang. Despite some very innovative ruse's set up by Sam in Barry's defense, he was able to see right through them and nearly kill them both. Unfortunately, when he use det-chord to breach the house's wall it set off a fireball which burned him and his whole gang. In a completely 'hail-Mary' play after running out of all other options, Sam turned on all the propane jets in the house and got under a porcelain tub with Barry. Sam and Barry were safe but everyone else was burned.
Seen in episodes: 86
George Anders ( Simon Kassianides)

A sleazy banker in the Cayman Islands who controlled an account of Anson's which was flagged by the government making it inaccessible. Anson blackmailed Michael Westen into coercing his friends, Jesse and Fiona, to come and 'extract' the money from him. The at first told him that they wanted to make a deposit. Then, when he agreed to meet, they told him they wanted the money and when he refused they showed him his confidential list of 'clients' and threatened to call them if he didn't comply. He made an attempt but found that the account was flagged by at least 10 different agencies, some of which he had never heard of. So he tried to shoot his way free but Jesse was too quick for him. They wouldn't listen to his excuses and told him that he needed to 'retire' from the banking business by faking his own death. That way he could take money from his other accounts as well to 'tide him over.' He reluctantly complied taking out Anson's money from the flagged account and putting it in one without flags. They had brought extra blood from a blood bank to smear in his car, before shooting it full of holes and setting it on fire. They took a pint of blood from him as well and spread it on his clothes then drug him across the grass. They gave him a new set of clothes and a boat then said 'have a good death.'
Current location: As far as we know he is still on the run.
Seen in episodes: 78
Gerard (Max Martini)

Psychopath pirate who likes to kill people cause it’s less messy that way. He stole 1$ worth of antiviral medicines off of a freighter bound for clinic’s in South America which belonged to a charity run by the daughter of an ex-partner of Virgil Watkins. He was then conned by MW into moving the drugs so was caught by the police.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 19
Gilbert Kessler (Joe Hess)

A large man who was a safe-cracker for Timo’s gang. He had previous arrests and wasn't supposed to be driving or drinking. After Fiona failed to entice him to drink, Sam was able to get him arrested for brawling in order to entrench MW as Timo's replacement safe-cracker.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 17
Gio Russo (Joe Vita)

An enforcer for the New York crime family who employed Tony Carrow to run their South Miami interests. He was sent to Miami to put the pressure on Carrow for coming in 12,000 short the week that MW and the gang were investigating the docks for some illegal arms shipments. In an elaborate con, Sam and M got Carrow to think Gio had tried to kill him. That got Carrow to attack Gio and kill him instead.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 47
Glenn Harrick (Johnny Messner)

The biggest/baddest heroin dealer in Miami - or at least associated with whoever is. He imported heroin from Turkey through a government contractor where he blackmailed a worker into signing for packages. His operation was based on a boat where he eventually kept Sam Axe after capturing him taking photographs of one of his deals. His men were also after Fiona but M was able to find his location and take them all down in fiery explosions.
Current location: Unknown.
Seen in episodes: 12
Greg (Josh Randall)

A young apprentice con-man who tagged along with Quinten King until conned by Sam and Fiona into fleeing on Quentin’s boat.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 2
Greyson Miller (Wayne LeGette)

A Miami gun runner who supplied Fiona Glenanne with weapons, in fact was one of her long-time contacts. Unfortunately, for him, the CIA investigated him and found that they could blackmail Michael and Fiona with getting her out of prison in order to arrest him in a sting. Agent Tom Card had Fiona call Miller with an offer to sell back the guns she had previously bought from him. He refused to do it except for ten cents on the dollar and only if Michael would do the deal. She reluctantly agreed, calling him a bastard; but, all of his precautions didn't prevent the SWAT from rolling in on him after he had paid Michael the money. He pulled a gun on Mike but was easily disarmed with a broken thumb.
Current Location: Custody
Seen in episodes: 85
Griffin Kehl (Paul Wight)

A behemouth of a man who was hired by Eve to break into the Dade County Teachers Credit Union and steal their encrypted server. He got a job as a janitor and stole Paul Berkowsky's key card to gain access to the computer room and the server. While attempting to flee he was captured by Sam, Jesse and Fiona who had found that he was wanted in St. Louis for armed robbery, attempted murder in Lexington and solicitation of a minor in Columbus. It was only threatening to call the three police agencies that got him to reveal that is was a vicious hacker named Eve who had hired him. They then forced him to introduce Michael to Eve as a fellow thief who wanted to hire her to do some hacking. His final disposition is unknown but the implication was that he is still at large.
Current location: At large.
Gilbert McCauley
Seen in episodes: 66
Harlan (Brian Van Holt)

A duplicitous, bumbling-fool, special-forces pretty-boy who worked 4 or 5 missions with Sam and for about a year with M in Bosnia and Lebanon. He claimed to have had his lawyer-client extract M from jail after the group that had burned him “cut him loose.” He conned Sam and M into helping him capture and kill a Venezuelan crook, Refino Cortez, then try to sell M out to the Venezuelans as an accomplice who had denied them justice on Refino. Unfortunately for him, M escaped and gave him to the Venezuelans as the person who worked for Refino’s partners and had been hired to kill him before he was captured.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 29
Hector Rivera (Israel Garcia)

A drug king-pin in Miami who made an agreement with Billy Taylor to stash drugs in one of their car shipments once a month. He became violent, to the point that MW had to step in, when one of his goons decided to steal the drugs and blame it on the Taylor’s. MW helped him be pointed to the correct thief.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 59
Holcomb (Michael T. Weiss)

The mastermind behind an attempt to kidnap the wealthy Richard Gronbach steal the money from his accounts by taking over a private airport where he was to land. Jesse Porter, whose firm was providing security for Gronbach, found out about the plan and Jesse went undercover to learn more about it. When Jesse discovered that the group needed a computer expert he arranged for Matt Graham A.K.A. Michael Westen to take the job. Unfortunately, when the full plot was discovered Mike needed to invent a very complicated ruse which would allow him to release the hostages (including Madeline) and take down Holcomb. Holcomb's plan was thwarted and he was arrested along with his gang.
Current location: Police custody
Seen in episodes: 72
Hunter (Andy Mackenzie)

The enforcer of the Miami Breaker biker gang who faulted on his divorce settlement, requiring that his bike be impounded. He arranged for a hit to place on his 'ex's' lawyer, Winston, and attempted to kill him only to run afoul of Michael Westen. When his gang leader was blackmailed by MW and called off the hit, he staged a 'coup' which was also put down by MW and Winston and got him expelled (and otherwise taken care of) by the gang.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 45
Ilan Zamar (Paul Gutrecht)

Not much of a character, not much of a man. The son of an ex-Israeli spy turned gun dealer, Eli Zamar, and an accomplice, with his brother Ari in the family arms business. He was always sent to ride herd on Ari but didn't prevent him from being conned by MW.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 5
Ivan Petrov (Andrew Divoff)

A Russian chronic prison inmate with the tattoo’s to show it who worked for a Russian crime syndicate on the whole east coast. He was the “collector” of ransoms for girls smuggled into the country under the direction of crime boss Takarov. MW captured him and set up an interrogation in order to find out where the girls were being kept. Allowed to escape, he led MW to the girls then went to inform Takarov that the CIA was on to him – didn’t work!
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 16
Ivan Vaskov (Mark Ivanir)

An FSB (Russian) agent working in a company in Miami who was the 'handler' for Oscar Markov, a spy in South American who had been 'outed' in the newspaper by a reporter named Beatriz. Markov had failed an attempt to assassinate Beatriz in South America and was now in the US trying to finish the job. After failing once in Miami Markov contacted him for a meeting. During the meeting Michael Westen showed up looking for Markov. He had been briefed on 'the burned spy in Miami' so angrily sent him packing; but later was ordered by his organization to make finding Markov a priority. He called Westen to warn him to stay out of it; but, it was Michael who found Markov making another attempt to kill Beatriz and returned with a plan. Michael suggested that he make contact with Markov and tell him that Beatriz was working with the FSB on a black-op so he should stand down. When he asked Michael 'what should I do when he comes in?' Michael replied, 'I think you have your answer in your hand' (a gun.) He complied with the request and Markov did stand down. Unfortunately, for Sam and Michael, Anson Fullerton paid him to add Sam to the list of people who were working with the FSB along with Beatriz.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 78
Jabbar Hamady (Alon Aboutboul)

A former Syrian intelligence officer who has turned to running guns and terrorism. He was beating his wife who decided to leave him and obtain a complete new identity from an expert forger/smuggler in Miami, Schmidt. He relentlessly began to pursue his wife and hired spies within Schmidt's organization. He captured several of Schmidt's warehouses but, unfortunately for him, Michael Westen needed the use of Schmidt as well. Michael got himself captured as a former employee of Schmidt to try and get Hamady captured. Hamady did succeed in capturing Schmidt which required faking the guys death with poison in order to rescue him. When Hamady went back to his hideout, Michael had tricked his CIA pursuers into being there to capture him. (94)
Current location: federal custody
Seen in episodes: 94
Jack Vale (Ric Reitz)

The CEO of the Pryon Group, a private mercenary company, who occasionally allowed 'special' mercenaries to train at their facilities 'off the book.' Michael traced the rifle that killed Nate (and Anson) to a particular manufacturer then the sale to the Pryon Group, so decided to work an operation of his own in order to find out who had used the rifle. Vale refused to reveal the name of the shooter so Sam and Jesse went undercover to try and turn Vale's Regional Manager, Andrew Thompson, into 'doing a deal' for the name. All Sam and Jesse got were the initials: 'T.G' so Mike had to go back to Vale requesting very specific skills which only would fit the shooter. Unfortunately, Vale was smart enough to figure out that they wanted Tyler Gray and fearfully told them to 'back off' right before he was shot by a sniper through the restaurant window.
Current Location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 89
Jacob (Yancey Arias)

A Mexican kidnapper who, with his brother, expanded their business northward and kidnapped Sarah Aikins along with – FIONA! Not a good choice. Jacob, brains of the outfit, was eventually taken down by Fiona and duct-taped to a chair with a fire-extinguisher bomb of her making between his legs. M not only foiled their plan but had his brother Eddy call 911 to have the police save him from the bomb.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 52
Jacob Orr (M.C. Gainey)

A drunken “security consultant” who had done time for manslaughter and was accomplice to the killing of artist J.D. Blake with Scott Chandler. He was eventually tricked by Sam into believing that Chandler was going to double-cross him so shot him; then, was arrested trying to dump the body.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 24
James (Jimmy Boy) Leary (Billy Smith)

The right-hand man of Brian (the butcher) Quinn who ran the Dorchester Hill Gang in Boston. When the 'number two' guy, Kelly Duke, became an informant for the FBI Quinn had gone underground. Unfortunately, for him, Leary was discovered by the FBI and Michael Westen happened to need a favor from the FBI. Leary was going to take Quinn down and wanted Michael to help get the location of Quinn out of him. Michael decided to do it through a con where he and Fiona (at her insistence) posed as 'stoolies' with the location of Duke. He and Leary were both 'captured' then Fiona broke them free in order to win an introduction to Quinn. Despite all the precautions they took, Michael was still able to locate Quinn and capture him. Leary was also captured in his attempt to release his boss.
Current location: Federal custody.
Seen in episodes: 88
James Forte ( James Frain)

A despicable weasel of a man who set his partner, Dan Tesmond, up on trumped up drug charges in South American so he could steal a gene sequence and start a company. He also stole Tesmond's wife as well as falsified research results, paid off witnesses and sued anyone who complained about his products. Unfortunately for him his ex-partner escaped from prison by faking his own death and became a client of Michael Westen who set up an elaborate con to get him found out and arrested.
Current location: Police custody
Seen in episodes: 71
James Vanek (Kevin McNally)

A ruthless competitor of Calvin Schmidt's in the smuggling business. He was an enemy of Schmidt's so gouged him on the price of Passport chips to the tune of $200,000. He made it a habit to tag them so if he ever needed leverage with the police in the future he could trade the knowledge for his freedom. Unfortunately, for him, he took his anger out on Sam and gouged him up to $400,000 when he came to pick them up - in addition to slugging him on the chin. Schmidt informed on him to the feds so he went after him with his thugs. Again unfortunately, Schmidt was with Michael Westen and he ended up behind a blazing fireball as everyone escaped his trap.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 96
Jan Haseck (Ilia Volok)

A Czech assassin sent to kill MW now that he was burned and no longer on a protected list. He made several feeble attempts but Fiona was able to tail him to his hotel and M able to break into his room to find that he was ordering special meals and frequenting a specific diner. His severe allergy to peanuts was exploited by MW to extract information then turn him over to the FBI as a favor to Sam who was being pressured by them for information. After being jailed he was reported to have 'hung himself' with his shoelaces.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 4
Jean Pierre Duman (James Black)

The sociopath son of a regional governor in Haiti who “brought corruption to an art form.” He killed the daughter of Claude Laurent before he abdicated to the US with most of Haiti’s GNP. Laurent enlisted MWs help who captured and smuggled him back to Haiti to stand trial.
Current location: Detained - foreign.
Seen in episodes: 26
Joel Davenport (Matthew Horohoe)

He was an accomplice of Brad Ramsey in Medicare fraud schemes. He supplied the names and account numbers of patients that could be scammed but was turned on by Ramsey when he voice opposition to Ramsey's involvement with Ethan and MWs plans. Ramsey gave the police all the documents necessary to have his crew arrested when he got caught up in an elaborate con himself devised by MW to take the whole operation down.
Current location: Police custody
Seen in episodes: 67
John O'Lear (Jay R. Ferguson)

The ex-husband of Denise and father of Tommy whose brother had been killed in Afganistan sending him off the deep end, mental wise. He fortified his house and joined a militant group headed by an extremist nutbag. When Michael Westen tried to get him to release his son back to his moter, he fled to the compound which required the concoction of an elaborate scheme to retrieve the boy. He reportedly 'saw the light' and checked himself into a hosptial for help.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 69
Jonathan Carver (Scott Michael Morgan)

If taking a shot at MW after your car had just been smashed and you've just been in the middle of a con in order to obtain your voice activated password makes you a bad guy -- then, yes, Jonathan Carver is a bad guy. Fortunately, for him, it was only for a single espisode because being on the receiving end of one of Ms scams isn't fun, even if you are only an innocent victim. Just as fortunate is that he never had to actually meet the real bad guy in this episode -- Brennen.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 31
Joseph Kamba (Jonathan Adams)

A first class monster, even by sub-Saharan Africa standards, who kidnapped Sophie, the dauther of a high-end weapons engineer, William Resnick, to force him into building a missile capable of carrying a warhead to Monrovia from the Sierra Leon border. A big, arrogant crazy person, he bullied and threatened his way through plans A through C of Michael Westens attempts to extract Resnick. Finally Sam had to convince him that one of his own soldiers was a traitor working against them and Mike 'sold it' by blowing up the gas line from outside the abandoned plant that he had taken over. Sam advised that they set the missle, now completed, to blow and not only destroy evidence but kill the traitor as well. Then, Sam said, you can escape with us and we will build you a new missle. He bought on the scam but when they reached the fence, Sam was able to retrieve a gun that Mike had buried there for him and take him down – with a little help from a haymaker. His plan was foiled and is now being dealt with by the CIA.
Current location: Federal custody
Seen in episodes: 77
Justin Walsh (Joe Hursley)

A crypto-analyst specialist, with 10 years of D.O.D. security clearance, who was given a NOC list and book-key to decrypt by Mark Sweeny, a former merc who worked security for Drake technologies, and who had stolen it as a crime of opportunity from a crash site. Recognizing what it was he killed Sweeny and put it up for auction. MW followed him to Santo Domingo with the help of Marv and relieved him of the thumb drive which he had put it on – no mention of where the hard-copies of either the original NOC list or the Bible had gone to.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 59
K.C. (Eric Bivens-Bush)

The owner of a nightclub who also manufacturers and sells drugs from a mobile chemistry facility in the back of a truck. Unfortunately, another crimimal, Morris, decided to steal the truck and hired a spoiled-brat rich kid, Evan, to do it for him. When Evan failed, he unfortunately threatened the kid who just happened to be the son of Sam Axe's girlfriend Elsa. Sam and Jesse helped steal the truck unknowing of its contents then it took both Michael and K.C. to help them escape. Morris' men all ran leaving him to retribution from K.C..
Current Location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 87
Kandi (Robin Givens)

A mean spirited woman with many assault charges who was part of Timo’s gang for a major jewel heist. She was the 'muscle.' When the job was cut short due to the early riging of the alarm by Sam, she was conned by MW into thinking that Timo had actually gotten the diamonds and was double-crossing them. After their gathering point was blown up she went after Timo and killed him.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 17
Karina (Fiona Landers)

A scowling Russian spy who was assigned to bodyguard (corral) a bioweapons expert, Kevin Skylar, on vacation in South America with his wife Nicki. Unfortunately, for her, the CIA got wind of the vacation plans and sent Michael Westen and Fiona to 'extract' Skylar and his wife. She was partnered with Serge and even with all their scowling and shooting couldn't stop the abduction. He did get the drop on Fiona but was clobbered from behind by Michael.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 73
Karl (Hank Stone)

A weapons dealer who contracted with Natalie Rice to steal some Novachuck Agent, a chemical weapon, back from a Venezuelan diplomat, Marco, who had diplomatic immunity. In an elaborate con, Natalie blackmailed Michael Westen and Fiona to help her break in and do the job. He came to pick up the agent from Natalie and was gassed when M shot a bottle of teargas he had planted as a fake bottle of agent. M convinced Natalie to call Homeland Security and turn herself in in order to escape the wrath of the Venezuelan's.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 58
Keith (Timothy Brennen)

A bomb-maker from Rhode Island who had been doing small demolition jobs for a biker gang when Simon contacted him to plant a bomb according to given specifications in the basement of the Epic Hotel. Unfortunately, for him, Sam and Fiona came a-callin’ – through his wall in their car – to help M track down Simon. He gave Fiona the information she wanted and was there duct-taped to the chair when the police arrived.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 44
Kent Fontenau (Jeffrey Johnson)

A drug smuggler who, along with his wife Melissa, blackmailed a co-worker into signing for drug shipments of heroin from Turkey and tried to kill their contact when she called in Sam and Michael. He was blown up by the cartel when things went bad.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 11
Kevin Skyler (Tom Gallop)

A bioweapons expert who had agreed to work for the Russians and was now being kept on a very short leash by bodyguards/minders during his vacation in South America with his wife Nicki, who wasn't al all happy with the arrangement. He had continual arguments with Nicki which set her up to be approached by Fiona when she and Michael were sent to 'extract' them for the CIA. Eventually he was put in a position that was advantageous to let Michael help get him out from under the Russian's thumb. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that it meant prison time in the US.
Current location: Federal custody
Seen in episodes: 73
Lawrence Henderson (Brett Cullen)

The arrogant owner of a financially troubled hotel who stole a $2 million diamond broach and blamed it on Thomas McKee. He was caught in a MW sting outside a bank were he had been tricked into taking the broach that he had stolen.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 8
Lucio Velasquez (Gonzalo Menendez)

A 'finder of victims' for A kidnapping ring run by Reyes. He was tailed to a drop-off point by MW and Fiona then captured by them. They blackmailed him into agreeing to help them extract one of their clients from Reyes' undisclosed site. He introduced Sam as a disgruntled chauffer for a wealthy, and prissy Fiona who was then able to gain knowledge of where the victims were held. Sam and Fiona was able to extract the client while M 'negotiated' with Reyes.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 9
Lynch (Spencer Garrett)

A thief who hit everything from banks to car washes and never got arrested because he was thorough and never left anyone behind… alive. Sam called him a public health hazard. He befriended a mentally challenged cousin of Sugar’s, Dougie, in order to be let in a flower loading dock during an armored car pickup. Unfortunately, for him, Dougie was a client of MWs who foiled his plan and called the police.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 40
Marco (Roberto Escobar)

A Venezuelan diplomat, with immunity inside the US, who was holding a stolen chemical weapon on his compound. Despite having massive amounts of security, Michael Westen circumvented it, under a blackmail con of Natalie Rice’s, and took the weapon back.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 58
Martin (Phillip Giannikas)

A sleazebag attorney who launders money for crooks and manages off shore accounts as well. He was bilked out of his share of Charles Archer’s booty so is looking for him as we speak. Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 55
Mason (Antoni Corone)

A crooked cop who tried to have Virgil steal some money runners boat full of money and then kill Virgil. Unfortunately he had to deal with MW instead and was exposed.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 6
Matt Reese (Erik Fabregat)

A second 'shooter' hired by the cartel to take out a witness who was under FBI witness protection. He and his team were in direct competion with Cole who had actually found the target who was a client of MWs. His part in the episode was to fire bullets down on Cole and M from top of a parking garage and then try and take out the competition, Cole and M. They were thwarted and left cable tied for the FBI.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 53
Max Lesher (John Allen Nelson)

The head of a Kidnapper ring, masquerading as Secure Tech Testing, who targeted, Isabella Arroyo, the daughter of a Venezuelan oil magnate. He killed the boyhood friend of the bodyguard company’s manager, Henry, then beat him up for which Fiona’s boyfriend Campbell was called to the scene. MW had to go undercover to prevent the kidnapping and cause Lesher to be arrested.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 21
Melissa Fontenau (Nicholle Tom)

A drug smuggler who entrapped her friend with security clearance at X.S.G. into signing for shipments that could be smuggled out of the building. After attempting to kill her friend, she and her husband were blown up by the cartel.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 11
Miles Vanderwaal (David Dayan Fisher)

A sadistic mercenary who had been hired by the Pyramid group to carry out a bunch of raids against US government assets in South American to drive them out so that an oil cartel could take them over without complaint. Unfortunately, his informant had been on the CIAs radar and Michael Westen along with Agent Pearce and Jesse came to his island to intercept him. He was conned into shooting his boss and giving up their weapons to board a CIA helicopter under the guise of being flown back to the Pyramid group.
Current Location: Federal Custody
Seen in episodes: 70
Milovan Dragas (Kristof Konrad)

A Serbian Intelligence officer – interrogation specialist, who was in the US and was blackmailed into assisting a woman called Natalie into stealing Barry’s ledger or his kids would be killed. M and Sam interrogated him without results until finding out the truth. After the ledger was retrieved Sam reported him to immigration who deported him.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 36
Ming Kahn (Byron Mann)

An oriental thug. A hot shot in Asian drug shipping who got into trouble with the local authorities and went running to 'Uncle Sam' to cut a deal - basically he's a 'nitch' who is trading intell on his terrorist pals for a life in America. Jesse Porter was assigned to be his handler and got the job of 'debriefing him and moving his money to US banks.' The money never showed up - aparently the Chinese got it in transit; but, he now blamed Jesse for stealing $2 million. He blackmailed a retired associate of Jesse's to set him up for capture and interrogation but MW rescued him. He killed Jesse's Contact then needed to be conned by MW in order to get him to stop going after Jesse. MW convinced him that his second in command, Mr. Lee, had stolen the money and they both shot it out.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 46
Morris (Richard Burgi)

A low-life who tried to pay, then threaten, Evan, the son of Sam Axe's girlfriend Else, into stealing a truck from K.C. the owner of a nightclub. Ostensibly it contained some un-paid for champagne but in reality it was a 'ecstasy lab on wheels.' Sam and Jesse helped take the truck but quickly found, through a barrage of automatic weapon fire, that it contained drug equipment and chemicals. When he boxed Sam, Jesse and Evan in to have his stooges kill them, Mike arranged to have the truck's owner find out about it and take care of Morris.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 87
Mr. Lee (Ron Yuan)

The 'number two' man for Ming Kahn, a asian drug runner turned snitch for the DEA. Unfortunately, for him, he targeted Jesse Porter for a snatch and grab which then made him the target of a con. After he and his boss had captured Jesse, MW targeted him for blame of stealing the $2 million which he had been blaming Jesse for. When Kahn turned a gun on him, he shot Kahn first before being shot back in return.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 46
Nefzi (Erick Avari)

A Tunisian counterfeiter who Barry said was the ‘go to guy for hard core’ stuff like doing fake money for coke deals, counterfeit passkeys for bank robbery – stuff that gets people killed. Plus, he’s the most arrogant SOB in South Florida. He operated out of a TV repair store in South Miami and was part of a security force for the Tunisians back in the early 80s. MW used him to make a copy of Carla’s security key then after he did, Carla suffocated him using nitrogen gas.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 14
Nick Madison (Clayton Rohner)

An investment scammer who used a false company to cheat Josh Wagner, director of 'Help at Home' a charity for soldiers families who were killed in combat, out of thousands of dollars. He kept his illicit dealings secret from his secretary, Patty, who unfortunately was caught up in a hostage situation with him when Wagner came to demand his money back. MW and Sam became unwitting accomplices when they tried to prevent Wagner's action; but then were able to find Madison's secret safe, obtain Wagner's money back and pin responsibility for the hostage situation on Madison -- with the help of Patty.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 48
Nicole (Taryn Manning)

A petite but hardened prison inmate who told Fiona that she could sit by her in the lunchroom on her first day in Allarod Federal Penitentiary. She explained that D.B., another (huge) inmate who had caused Fiona's tray to be knocked to the floor before offering her an apple to eat, was really a thug gang-leader who did that to all new inmates. If you ate it you were D.B's slave, if you didn't – you got beat up. She explained to Fiona that she had initially taken the apple when D.B. had done it to her; then, had gotten tired of being bossed around so was cut across the throat - she showed Fiona the scar. She helped Fiona start a fire in a bunk for a diverson, so Fiona could beat D.B. and her crew with some home-made billy clubs. She got Fiona transferred to the kitchen, ostensibly for the better privacy and to avoid D.B.; but, really just so she could get Fiona alone and kill her. When Fiona escaped, she explained that a burner phone had been left under her pillow and that a man who called threatened that either she kill Fiona or he would have her sister killed.
Seen in episodes: 82
Omar Hernandez (Jacob Vargas)

The altruistic leader of a neighborhood gang in Little Dominica who was mainly protecting the people and caring for their needs by hijacking warehouses full of cough-medicine and the like. He was fending off a neighboring gang leader named Vega when MW came to find a child-predator named Rincon under the cover-ID of “Lewis.” Together, they captured Ricon and restored the balance of power in the neighborhood, although it first required a little persuasion.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 39
Oscar Markov (Chris Marks)

A Russian spy working as Oscar McGuire in South America who attended some conference that he wasn't 'officially' to be at. When the conference was written about by a newspaper reporter, Beatriz, he was mentioned and was therefore 'outed.' From a sniper perch he made a telephone call to Beatriz at her office but she had her assistant answer the phone and he shot the wrong person. He then followed Beatriz to America where she was attempting to obtain help from an old friend, Sam Axe, in Miami. There he made another attempt on her life but she was saved by Sam. He reached out to his FSB 'handler,' Ivan Vaskov, but found that he was angry with him for the incident he was causing. He had to flee when Michael Westen identified him as the shooter and came to 'talk' right in Vaskov's office. During his next attempt to assassinate her, Vaskov called and advised that she was actually working with the Russians on a black-op and that he should stand down. What he didn't realize was that was just a plot concocted by Michael Westen to get him to stand down and return to Vaskov, who, we think, might have designs on eliminating him.
Current location: Custody - unknown location
Seen in episodes: 78
Oscar Wilhelm (William Haze)

A wimpy younger brother to Carl and a co-trader in sex slaves under the guise of being fashion designers/photographers. They had enticed and were holding Jenna, the daughter of an old neighbor of M and Nates, who wanted to be a model. When they found that Jenna was slated to be flown to Dubai they decided to kidnap Oscar and trade him for Jenna. M and Nate extracted him from his limo and put him in the trunk of their car until Carl decided to trade.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 4
Oswald Patterson (Ptolemy Slocum)

A really smart computer nerd who was paid $10 million by a drug king-pin, Xavier, to invent a computer virus which would erase all evidence of him from databases. He was paid $5 million up front and he completed the project, Voidbot, but before he could deliver it the Feds busted him. He cut a deal to give them the virus and they put him in witness protection in South America. Before he left, however, he created 'back doors' into the virus so he could get at it if he wanted to and sent the key-cards to his girlfriend in Miami inside a guift television. Unfortunately, for him, Anson Fullerton had need of the virus now that Michael had put his account information out in federal databases. Anson sent Michael and Fiona down to 'go fetch' the Voidbot. Michael brought him back to Miami against his will and was able to rout several attempts by Xavier to kill him. He became a bit more friendly to Mike and warned him of the nano-tags which were 'guarding' the virus. They were then able to scam Xavier into getting the virus, allowing them to copy it, and getting arrested for the theft.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 75
Pano (Keith Hudson)

A gun runner specializing in automatic shotguns operating out of an auto body/restoration shop. His crew made a Saiga-12K for a hit-man, Cole, who used it to try and do a hit on a man who the FBI had in the witness protection program. MW had to obtain information about Cole from him and needed to wound one his prize cars in order to convince him. He was locked in the trunk of their car awaiting the arrival of the police.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 53
Pavel (Sergei Zelinsky)

A Bulgarian who attempted to purchase guns from Seymour and ostensibly roust him out of half the money. Seymour claimed that the original deal was for $100,000 and he oly brought $50, exclaiming 'Are you trying to rip me off?' (Knowing Seymour, he might have been.) He eventually paid in full for the guns with the reluctant assistance from MW.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 19
Pete Jackman (Raphael Sbarge)

A dirty cop who, after being partners with Kevin Baruchel for four years, framed and killed his partner for one of his own crimes. He had shot and killed some drug dealers and stolen their Cocaine. Then, when Kevin got suspicious and began looking into it he paid a low-life, Ted Seyers, to contact and kill Kevin. Unfortunately, for him, Kevin was a long-time buddy of Sam Axe who brought MW into it and found his lie, caught Seyers and got him to confess, then got him caught trying to plant the coke back into Kevin’s house. Sam got to deck him.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 60
Phillip (Matthew Humphreys)

A man who pretends to be a doctor and does medical scams on parents and families of dying people. He sold Kenny pep pills mixed with a painkiller for his son, Jack, who had a terminal heart condition. Unfortunately, for him, he was caught by MW and Sam who made him play “who talks first” where he heard Todd thrown out a window and convinced to “rat” on Rachel.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 22
Pyne (Ray Wise)

A crooked condo-developer who “stole” his own art and antiques in order to scam his insurance company and be able to cover up his losses in his worthless land and developments. He framed Javier, his caretaker. When MW broke into his safe in order to obtain evidence, he conspired with his security chief to kidnap David, Javier’s son. He eventually was tricked into shooting his accomplice, then framed into giving “severance” to Javier as well as confessing.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 1
Pyotr Chechik (Peter J. Lucas)

A Russian KGB turned gangster who had M blow up something of his in ’97 then did 10 years for war crimes all the while vowing to kill MW. When released he began working for Fedor Markov (also ex-KGB) and sent Vlad’s extraction team after M. He told M he was living the American Dream – a Ukranian, with Russian teams, German weapons and funding from the west. He was captured by M at knifepoint. John Beck, his unwitting captive, happened to know his bosses boss and refused to negotiate for his silence so was “handled.”
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 34
Quentin King (Mark Pellegrino)

A con man who, with two apprentices, cons retiree’s out of their life’s savings, including one of Madeline’s friends. He was conned into giving MW his bank info to arrange a hit on his apprentices who he thought had informed on him and tried to kill him. MW drained his accounts and stole his identity to threaten judges, insult drug cartels and make phone calls to known terrorists which got him arrested.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 2
Quinn Luna (Nicholas Lea)

The boss of a family crime organization with his pretty-boy, front man brother, Erik who had instituded a custody battle with his wife over their two boys. When the oldest boy, Joey, attempted to steal a pistol from Fiona's apartment, Erik became the target of one of MWs cons to get him to abandon the suit. Unbeknownst to him, Erik also had been selling stolen goods behind his back for a little extra money which gave M a perfect wedge to drive between them. M had to eventually con Quinn into believing that Erick was mentally unbalanced enough to be committed to a mental institution. All the publicity got the cops looking into the family's activities.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 35
Rachel (Stacy Haiduk)

A skanky lady who does medical scams on terminal cases because “they’re simpler.” Fiona was so incensed with her that she picked a fight and blew their deal. She was eventually intimidated into calling the police and confessing to her crimes (and giving money back) to avoid being dealt with by Kate and Donnie (Michael and Fiona).
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 22
Ramiro Vasquez (José Zúñiga)
A ruthless drug kingpin whose cousin, the company pilot, made the mistake of trying to give Fiona a lift to Miami when he flew out a shipment of drugs. Michael thought they were merely hitching a ride on a cargo plane instead of a drug shipment and was captured along with Tyler Grey. Vasquez wouldn't listen to Michael but did eventually listen to Grey's tattling on where Fiona might be with the plane. His torture and threats were actually the thing that turned Grey over to Michael's side when he saw that Mike wouldn't sell out his friends in spite of the pain. Once Grey was released he decided to 're-negotiate' the agreement and killed him.
Current location: deceased
Seen in episodes: 91
Randall (Neil Butterfield)

A small time sleezebag who owed Scott, a client of Fiona's, $20,000 and refused to pay, especially when he saw the tiny Fiona who had come to collect it. Fiona went to his house during a poker party of his with M waiting outside as backup agreeing to make an entrance at a precisely timed moment. Unvortunately Detective Paxson showed up preventing that so she had to escape by trowing a chair through a window. When Randall followed her outside and saw the police he immediately became forgiving. (For all we know he still has the money - except… this is Fiona we are talking about.)
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 32
Raphael Montero (Anthony Ruivivar)

A evil drug kingpin with no conscience about killing. He worked for Ramiro Salazar, the boss of the Zetas cartel in Mexico, and killed several undercover agents who came 'sniffing' around. CIA agent Tom Card headed a joint task-force for a year against the cartel without success, largely due to the fact that he had a DEA double-agent on the payroll: Eric Kemp. Unfortunately, for him, Michael Westen needed to 'build some juice' with Card in order to extract a favor and ran an 'Op' to take him down. Jesse Porter worked an elaborate con on him which not only got Kemp killed and his whole drug operation in Miami captured; but, convinced him to turn 'cooperating witness' on Salazar as well.
Seen in episodes: 82
Raul (Kevin Alejandro)

An underling drug-dealer for Campos who became obsessed with Sophia, an undercover DEA agent, to the point of distraction. He beat her up for thinking she was having an affair with under-cover MW who was trying to extract Sophia from her possessive clutches. MWs sting eventually brought down Campos by Raul ‘flipping’ on him for maximum facility protection. Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 14
Ray Wagoner (Bruce Blauer)

A stooge, hired by the Fontenau’s to help entrap Gillian Walsh so she could be blackmailed into helping in a drug smuggling ring. Sam and Fiona tracked him down and forced the truth out of him.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 11
Reed Perkins (Eric Roberts)

A nefarious traitor who freelances for foreign governments to 'turn' US spies into selling secrets. Unfortunately for him the CIA knew about his trip to a security conference in Miami and assigned Michael Weston to capture him. The 'rendition' took a bit longer than anticipated because Westen had to fend off an internal traitor who was part of Anson Fullerton's attempt to rebuild his 'organization.' None-the-less, he did fall for Jesse Porter's ruse and attempted to fly him out of the country. Instead, Michael captured him midst a blaze of gunfire.
Current location: Federal custody
Regional Governor Duman (Clarence Williams III)

A regional governor in Haiti who “brought corruption to an art form” with killings and embezzlement. When the election was lost he disappeared with much of Haiti’s GNP and faked his own death, burying another man in his place. Acting for a client whose daughter was killed by the Dumont’s, MW located him and transported his son back to Haiti to stand trial but not before “tattling” on his father thinking he would not be extradited.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 26
Reyes (Steven Bauer)

A ruthless kidnapper who kills victims when families can’t pay. He kidnapped the Fiancé of Nick Lam, a house-sitter with no money and friend of Veronica, Sam's sugar mommy. Then he was scammed by MW into thinking he could 'trade up' to a more wealthy target, Fiona. Sam and Fiona were able to retrieve the girl while M was 'negotiating' with him and before Reyes went to the place he kept victims and was surrounded by police.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 9
Ric Pederson (Todd Cahoon)

A dance DJ who partnered with Damon Belmont to kill his partner in a fashion design house, Isabella, and frame it on Tim Hastings. Despite all he could do he couldn’t control Damon from falling for a con of MWs which turned them both on each other.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 42
Rick Matheson (Erik Palladino)

An arrogant thief who preyed on other drug dealers leaving a wake of bodies in his path including innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. A fair pro at it the police had absolutely nothing on him. In fact, he was even able to get a restraining order against a vengeful cop, Paxson, when he provoked her to take a swing at him. Unfortunately for him, MW got involved and he was used by M to convince Paxson M was one of the good guys by enabling Paxson to catch him red-handed in a drug heist.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 32
Rico (Rick Batalla)
A cousin of coke dealer and all around thug Ramiro Vasquez. He had the unfortunate chance to chat up Fiona Glenanne in Panama and offer her a ride in the plane he was piloting to Texas with a shipment of drugs planted in crates of fresh fish. Coincidentally she just happened to be escaping from Panama with Mike, Sam, Jesse and their prisoner Tyler Grey. She accepted then, once aboard, manipulated him at gun point into first heading to Miami, then making an emergency landing in Panama and finally resuming the trip again after Mike and Grey had escaped from Ramiro.
Current location: at large.
Seen in episodes: 91
Rincon (Luis Antonio Ramos)

A drug-importing child predator who faked his own death before being extracted by the Houston PD S.W.A.T. team. He went to obtain protection from a long time Miami business partner, Felipe Vega, where he was found by Mack, a friend of Sam’s. With the help of MW, he was caught and returned to Texas.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 39
Rufino Cortez (Castulo Guerra)

A sociopathic gangster who paid off corrupt Venezuelan officials in order to steal peoples land and put them in jail all over the country. Operating out of Miami, with partners in Venezuela, he was living the high life until Harlan, an old partner of Ms was hired to get rid of him before the federales, who wrere closing in, could get to him and bring them all down. He was captured by M, Fiona and Sam as a favor to Harlan; but, then killed by Harlan for his reward.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 29
Ryan Johnson (Clayne Crawford)

A punk insurance scam artist, who with his father killed Calia’s husband and was forcing her to sue the city and give them the money. He was on parole for fraud and assault which made it easy for M to manipulate him into a fight where Sam could plant evidence of his scams in his car.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 38
Ryder Stahl (James C. Burns)

The owner of Security Associates a “security firm” (mercenary’s) who take on the issues of high-end corporate clients; basically, “anything where more guns equal more money.” Unfortunately his newly enhanced and highly secure computer happened to have information that Carla wanted for one of her black-ops jobs so it was broken into by MW and one of his clients, Jimmy, who were being blackmailed. And, unfortunately he took the incident personally and came after MW which required that he and his goons be set up for the deaths of Jimmy’s pilot in order to free Jimmy.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 13
Santora (Holt McCallany)

A kidnapper who captured Brandon, the son of a manger in a diamond company, in order to steal diamonds. MW, at Fiona’s demand, went through some “reverse interrogation” as a druggie police informant named Shep in order to find where the boy was being kept and convince Santora and his men to turn on and kill each other.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 30
Scott Chandler (Joel Gretsch)

A crooked art dealer who killed J.D. Blake for the painting Lady in White with hired hit man Jacob Orr. He hired MW to track down a spy, which turned out to be the daughter of Blake who had found that he was trying to sell the painting on the black market. He eventually “gave” the painting back to M just before Orr, who had been tricked into believing he was being double-crossed, shot him.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 24
Selina (Meta Golding)

A skilled thief known to Interpol only as Mssr Glisson (Mister Slippery). There were no sightings, photo's or descriptions of her, hence the moniker, until she attempted to steal an Alexander the Great sword just purchased by Ken Bocklage, the CEO of a software company. She contracted with Andrew Deans, a local thug, to help her steal the sword and was able to become Bocklage's personal assistant inside the company. She hired a forger named Buddy to make two onyx lion heads and some tooled leather to help her forge a duplicate, then tried to electocute him in his hot tub. Unfortunately, for her, Buddy had heard of Michael Westen and hired he and Fiona to help protect him. When she learned that Deans had been identified by M, she used a car bomb to blow him up. Then, she killed the guard and made the switch herself; but, failed in her attempt to flee with the real sword in a fireman's uniform. She has a complete file now and was denied bail and put on trial on many charges -- although she still threatened to kill Buddy.
Current location: Detained.
AKA: Mssr Glisson - Mr. Slippery (50)
Seen in episodes: 50
Serge ( Tom Norsemann)

A scowling Russian spy who was assigned to bodyguard (corral) a bioweapons expert, Kevin Skylar, on vacation in South America with his wife Nicki. Unfortunately, for him, the CIA got wind of the vacation plans and sent Michael Westen and Fiona to 'extract' Skylar and his wife. He was partnered with Karina, a real hard case, and even with all their scowling and shooting couldn't stop the abduction. He did get to wrestle with Michael in a steam room wearing only a towel.
Current location: At large
Seen in episodes: 73
Shannon Park (Katherine LaNasa)

A senior security executive at Stone Kittredge who worked on the security algorithm called Zydeco used by the US embassies and stole encrypted emails to sell names of US spies to foreign countries. She was discovered by a “rain-man” type schizophrenic who aided MW in conning her into being caught by the feds.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 33
Sharif Damour (Dominic Rains)

The son of Ahmad Damour who had killed an undercover CIA informant gathering intelligence from the Syrians when his cover was blown. His father had told him about the information which he was now selling himself to the CIA, and how to sell it to the Russians is anything ever happened to him. Unfortunately, his father's cover was blown to Agent Pearce, the fiance of the agent he had killed, by Anson Fullerton who was working a scheme of his own (it's a long story). Pearce and Michael Westen caught his father in a convoluted con to make him think he was imminently dying and therefore triggering the sale to the Russians. Unbeknownst to him, Sam and Nate were following him and had to change their plans to pretending that the Russians had been responsible for the attack on his father. After the phone call from his father, he shot and killed Yevgeni, the Russian, then was subdued by Sam.
Current location: Federal Custody.
Seen in episodes: 83
Sherrod Washington (Michael Christopher Rodney)
A mafia low-life who killed the partner of Detective Garza which earned him a vendetta lasting over six years. Unfortunately, for him, a complicated turn of events put him directly in the sights of Michael Westen and Fiona who were trying to extricate a friend, Ayn Reeds, who was being harassed and framed by Garza. When Garza, at wits end came blustering, in full dress uniform, outside his house, Washington decided to give him a beating. By then Michael had joined the action and 'sent him a message' by blowing up a couple of cars and shooting at him to prevent him from escaping. He was forced to surrender to Garza.
Current location: in custody.
Seen in episodes: 92
Steve Cahill (Henri Lubatti)

A sort of weaselly little guy who shot his mouth off in a South American bar about a courier job he was doing to take secret documents to a mercinary, Miles Vanderwall. The CIA targeted him for extraction but it was found that the documents were a list of targets from a mole within the homeland security which sent the team into 'plan B' - retrieve the documents. Michael Westen, Jesse and Agent Pearce used him as a foil to take down Miles Vanderwall as well. He flew back to the US along with Vanderwall and is in prison.
Current location: Federal custody
Seen in episodes: 70
Takarov (Ken Clement)

The boss of a Russian crime syndicate on the whole east coast. His girl smuggling ring was conned by MW and eventually broken up. He killed one of his key men who M had conned into thinking the CIA was on to them and releasing the girls.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 16
Takeda (Brian Tee)

A Yakuza (Japanese Mobster) ganster involved in human trafficking who, unfortunately for him, kidnapped Norika, the cousin of a client of Jesse's. He tried to flee when they traced him to a Miami hotel; but, again unfortunately for him, he ran into the path of Jesse's car and broke his hip and arm. He mocked Michael's threats revealing that he was the type of individual who had punished himself for falling asleep at his post by cutting off the end of one of his fingers. Eventually, he thought he had turned a similarly kidnapped nurse into an accomplice who would help him escape; but, even more unfortunately the nurse was Madeline who finally held him at gunpoint while M and the rest went to release all the kidnapped girls.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 64
Ted Seyers (Leo Fitzpatrick)

A low-life with a rap sheet long enough to wallpaper a room who was blackmailed into killing Kevin Baruchel by Pete Jackman, Baruchel’s partner on the police force. He was caught by MW, tazed by Jesse and interrogated by Sam into admitting he had killed Baruchel for Jackman who promised him a “get out of jail free card.” Unfortunately he had to make a full confession or spend a shorter sentence inside a 140 degree shipping container.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 60
Thomas O’Neill (Paul Blackthorne)

An ultra-radical Irish bastard, who would blow up a church on a Sunday and who had planned a bombing at a prep school that Fiona prevented. He came after Fiona before but disappeared until Fiona called to come home. He came after her with an extraction team and an intent to sell her to her enemies. He almost succeeded in taking Fiona with the help of Tom Strickler; but, M shot him and rescued Fiona.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 37
Thorn (Marcos A. Ferraez)

A bad guy who commissioned Colin Schmidt, the renowned smuggler, into obtaining (making?) a secret 'gamma ray device' which could disarm any security alarm remotely. He was willing to pay a million dollars for the device which, unfortunately, was damaged when Schmidt attempted to retrieve it from a warehouse being watched by the police. And just as unfortunately, for him, he decided to bully Sam into helping with a job which marked him for 'take-down' by Michael.
Current location: police custody.
Seen in episodes: 95
Timo (Oded Fehr)

A hard core and careful thief, not above killing witnesses, who forced Trever, an ex-con gone straight, into helping with a jewel heist. Unfortunately, for him, Trevor knew about MW and asked for help. MW posed as a safe-cracker, thwarted the heist and conned the gang into believing Timo was double-crossing them. He was killed by Kandi, one of the gang.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 17
Todd (Graham Shiels)

An off the street guy hired by Philip and Rachel to provide “muscle” in their drug scam operation. He was captured by MW and convinced by Sam to “rat” on Philip.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 22
Tom Prescott (Mark Sheppard)

A thug and robber, who M seemed to know, who attempted to rob a private bank where M and agent Bly accidentally became hostages. A long series of “accidents” plagued and eventually foiled the robbery and made M and Bly “homies.”
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 25
Tommy D’Antonio (Nicholas Turturro)

Small time, aspiring middle-manager in drug runner Matheson’s group who M used to set up a “sting” and a bust on Matheson. He did two years in Allendale for armed robbery and was a fixture at the dog track where he purchased an injured dog.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 32
Tony Carrow (Nestor Serrano)

A crime hood who ran things in South Florida for a crime family in New York. He was born and bred in Miami, a suspect in seven murders but never charged and appeared to be 'Mr. Clean.' Unfortunately, his crew were shaking down dock personnel and stealing stuff at the time MW was looking into finding an arms connection to all the global wars that they were investigating. After blustering his way through an elaborate con set up by Sam and his 'Mr. Slicey,' he was eventually made to think Gio had tried to kill him which got him to attack and kill Gio first. He was in prison for killing Gio.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 47
Valentine (Method Man)

A former-gangster turned hip-hop rapper mogul who had $2 million stolen from his “charity account” by his number two man, Eddie Ash. His head accountant, Ricky Watkins was being set up for it until MW stepped in and conned Eddie into confessing while Valentine was listening. Valentine killed Eddie to be done with him.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 18
Viatli (V. J. Foster)

A Russian wet-work man sent to Miami to capture, interrogate and kill a retired American spy, Paul Anderson, who had a contact in the Kremlin. He was killed by Anderson when mouthing off about how he would be “prisoner exchanged” and be back to kill both Anderson and MW. Corrupt congressman Bill Cowley took credit for the kill in order to save his career and possibly run un-opposed next election.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 51
Vince Cutler (Rhys Coiro)

A hard core heroin dealer who Sugar called a 'psycho who gave drug dealers a bad name.' 'He came down from the Bronx,' Sugar says 'and is spreading through Dade County like the plague.' Around 2009 Cutler shot Sugar's friend Carl, and told Sugar that if he ever saw him again he'd kill him. He convinced the Mexican cartel to fund his operation in Miami big time, so was desparate to make all the money back.
Unfortunately, for him, he chose to sell heroin outside of the clinic run by two physicians, David and Lauren, who had ties to MW through Madeline. M set up an elaborate con which eventually blew up Cutler's entire stash house, all his product, and put him on the run from the cartel and the 'crazy, ex-black op merc, doctor David.'
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 49
Vincent (Chance Kelly)

The chief of security for Mr. Pyne and accomplice in framing the caretaker for burglarizing the house of art in an insurance fraud scam. He was shot by Pyne and eventually confessed to the crime.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 1
Vincent Durov (Timothy V. Murphy)

A black market entrepreneur who had information that a thief, Angela Flores, wanted. She conducted a con to be his girlfriend but didn't have the skills to extract it from the safe. So she conned CIA incompetents Bailey and Manaro that Durov was going to sell information to terrorists which got them to send in an operative which she decided to kill. Unfortunately, for her, the CIA then sent in Fiona (along with backup from Michael) who did get into the safe but then turned the tables on her when she went to blow Fiona up. Fiona used trickery to get her to reveal herself to Durov then convince the man to let her have Flores instead of killing her.
Seen in episodes: 89
Vlad “B-something” (Igor Jijkine)

A Russian in charge of an extraction team who came for MW under orders from gangster Pyotr Chechik. He captured M and chased him into the swamp when he escaped. He was more than a match for Ms fighting skills but was subdued as a team effort. Tom Strickler couldn’t remember his name so called him “something that starts with a B.” He was killed by Chechik as expendable when his knee was injured in a fight with MW.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 34
Vlade / Serb (Michael Aronov)

Part of a Serbian contingent who came to Miami in order to purchase a stolen Predator missle. Unfortunately, in his attempt to defend their new purchase from Carmelo Dante, the second largest heroin dealer in Miami, who thought it was the Serbs who had stolen one of his heroin shipments, he was captured for interrogation. He actually told Carmelo the complete truth except that it didn't jive with what the captured Sam Axe was telling Carmelo. Sam was able to convey enough information to Michael which allowed him to 'set up' Vlade's hotel room to make it look like Vlade was lying -- which eventually got him killed.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 68
Wallace (Michael O'Keefe)

A ruthless Miami loan-shark, suspected in at least two murders, who held the gambling debt of Paul, and went after his wife after Paul died of a heart attack. Unfortunately, he sent Carter, a 'collector' to get his money and Paul was a friend of Nate Weston. Carter was really an undercover FBI agent who was trying to infiltrate his organization and Nate got his brother Michael to help Jessica (the wife) get rid of Carter. In the end, Michael blew Carter's cover then helped him escape as well as conning Wallace into gathering his records and falling into the FBIs hands.
Current location: Detained.
Seen in episodes: 65
Walter (Craig Wroe)

An art dealer who Barry knew who would probably have been contacted if Mr. Pyne had been trying to sell any painting. When MW visited him pretending to be an art collector, he indeed had been contacted but said that he had told Pyne he wanted too much for them. He was so taken with M that he offered to show MW his private collection of statues of nude Greco-Roman wrestlers.
Current location: At large.
Seen in episodes: 1
Warrick (Greg Pitts)

A fairly accomplished forger with 'nasty clients who have guns.' He made the 'deluxe package' of IDs and fake documents for Rebecca; but, unfortunately for him, Mike and Fiona discovered his location and took him down. Another angry client prevented them getting the drop on Rebecca but Michael was still able to chase and shoot her.
Seen in episodes: 87
Wayne Meyerson (Michael Houston King)

The Director of Sales son of the founder of Meyerson Industries, a weapons manufacturer who made the gun that was used to assassinate Nate Westen along with Anson Fullerton. He was a 'party boy,' of sorts, who Jesse and Dani Pearce targeted to con into giving them a list of all his gun buyers for the previous year. Jesse posed as a 'buyer' for the pentagon, got him drunk, took him to a strip club and drugged him. When Jesse attempted to blackmail him with the photos they had taken while he was drugged, he calmly refused citing his fathers extensive and high-level connections in the police force and political contributions. Unfortunately, for him, Pearce owed Michael a big favor and intervened citing their intent to expose his fathers illegal bribes and hidden bank accounts (just a guess) which made him acquiesce. Even more pathetic, his guilt made him so squirrely in front of his wife that she became suspicious and he told her what had happened. The ensuing investigation led to Pearce being reassigned to Mumbai.
Seen in episodes: 88
Wes Foster (Rick D. Wasserman)

The gangster son of Hank Foster, the syndicate boss, who made it his life's work to track down the accountant who had informed on him to the FBI. Trent Lang had discovered that he was the accountant for a front company of a criminal syndicate and worked with the FBI to put Hank in prison; where, unfortunately, he had died. Trent had to completely disappear for fear of his life which made revealing his location excellent blackmail fodder for Anson Fullerton to use against CIA Agent Rebecca Lang. Unfortunately, for Wes, that meant Michael Westen (for oh so many reasons) needed to solve the issue and came up against him. Michael posed as a cell-mate of his father with information that Trent was NOT the person who had informed to the FBI. He went with Michael to steal police documents, previously planted by Sam and Rebecca, to that effect. Even though the documents were deliberately made non-specific and generic, he recognized that the only person with that much information was clearly his wife. Mike's task was then to sell the idea that it had been his wife and that the best action was to just 'kick her out, and not look back,' which he did.
Seen in episodes: 85
Xavier (Ian Anthony Dale)

A Miami drug king-pin who paid a computer nerd, Oswald, to invent a computer virus which would erase all evidence of him from databases. Oswald got paid $5 million up front and he completed the project, Voidbot, but before the virus was delivered, the Feds busted him and sent him to witness protection. He traced down Oswalds girlfriend and threatened her with death if she ever saw Oswald again without calling him. In a 'go fetch' plot for Anson Fullerton, Michael Westen brought Oswald back to Miami and the girlfriend called him. Unfortunately, it was Michael and his attempts to get at Oswald were thwarted several times. In the end he paid $200,000 more to Oswald and was given all the key cards and codes to obtain the virus; although he was tagged with nano-tags when he did it – Michaels plan all along. Before every fed in the county descended on him, Michael and Fiona intercepted him and copied the virus.
Current location: Federal custody
Seen in episodes: 75
Yash Ahluwalia (Ravi Kapoor)

A dirty Indian diplomat who made a fortune smuggling diamonds in his diplomatic pouches with the aid of a state department agent, Ian Covey, who had been told by his superiors to 'hold your nose and do your job.' He was ruthless and his deals often involved murders. Unknown to him, Ian was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and decided to take him down with the help of a friend, Jesse Porter, in order to redeem his reputation. His latest buyer fell through due to being robbed of all his money (thanks to Sam and Fiona.) Ian introduced him to a new buyer, Jesse (under cover); but, despite vetting him thoroughly, did not uncover the ruse. After a first aborted attempt to catch him in the act, Jesse convinced him that Ian was trying to kill them both. He decided to confront Ian and when he did, Ian shot simulation rounds at Jesse to burst blood packets under his shirt then flee the room, secretly passing the gun to Jesse as he passed. Out in the front, he thought Ian was going to shoot again so shot him first, several times. Unfortunately, for him, police (who had been primed to be in the area) heard the shots and responded quickly to find Ian dead, no gun and no body of Jesse inside. His diplomatic immunity was waved in light of murdering a State Department employee so he was arrested.
Current Location: Police Custody
Seen in episodes: 79
Yevgeni (Gregg Weiner)

A freelance Russian mobster who was going to purchase the intelligence information from Ahmed Damour and his son Sharif, which Ahmed had gotten by killing Jay Tunberg, the CIA fiance of Agent Pearce. Unfortunately, their arrival at the purchase place put a roadblock on Sam's attempt to steal the information for himself and they had to convince Damour that he was dying from a bio-weapon produced by the Russians. That, of course, got him killed.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 83
Zechariah (W. Earl Brown)

The ENIC, Extremist Nutbag In Charge, as Sam called him who ran a para-militia compound and spouted 'I am the hand of God' rhetoric to Michael Weston when he attempted to extract a boy who had been brought to the compound by his mentally unstable father. Mike needed to concoct an elaborate ruse to get the asthmatic boy released and this guy taken down by the ATF.
Current Location: Police Custody
Seen in episodes: 69
Zeke (Patrick Fabian)

Slick night-club manager, con man who gets marks, like Andy, to invest in a cash-only venture in Cuba. His partners then come in posing as F.B.I. men for the kiss-off and usher the man out the door. MW conned him into thinking his partners were dead and the killers were coming for him next in order to get him to give all the money back. His partners took care of him in some fashion.
Current location: Deceased.
Seen in episodes: 15
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